
internal combustion engine

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


  1. the gtr is amazing i agree with you in everyway i so wish i could have one they are a piece of engenering genius just awesome

    the ssc ultimate aero is bliseringly fast and with more horsepower than a veyron from a v8 is awesome to bad there is only going to be a few i love seeing a car that is better looking and faster than the veryon to put it in its place

    ok from that top gear vidio you can just see how crap that jeep is i totally agree with you

    again i agree with you the swift is quite useless and susuki should stick to motorbikes and i have also been for a drive in these things and the cvt ones are awefull

    ok the fiat has to be the most ugly car on the planet it makes me want to hurl just looking at it im embarresed that we as a people could design something so bad

    lol so funny and true they are pretty bad cant think of anyone except those asians that would actually want one good choice of car

  2. Anybody who buys the Fiat should be made to write a letter of apology to everyone who has to look at it. A wart on a rat is more appealing. But it did provide a solution to a problem. It fitted more people in the car and did not have to make it longer. How? They simply made the front seat fit three.
