
internal combustion engine

Thursday, April 22, 2010

We preformed a compression test and here is a presentation on this test

The Cooling System

An assessment on the cooling system

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Four Stroke Cycle

This is how a four stroke cycle works...

click here

Lable The Engine

Pictures of an engine was given to us to label, here is the engine labeled

click here

Report on Fire and Chemicle Safety

I did a report on fire safety and chemical safety in the workplace as well as what PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to wear when dealing with these two things.

click here
This is a report i did on global warming and how it affects the automotive industry and the earth

click here

Group Work Presentation

this is a group presentation that was done on fire and Personal Protective Equipment.

Monday, April 19, 2010


on Tuesday the 13th we did an assessment on an engine... we worked in groups of 3 and each one participated. what we did was strip and engine completely and measured the diameter of cylinder 1 and then measured the main bearing and the big end bearing of the crankshaft, for this measuring we used a micrometer. we then out the engine back together and it was a good feeling to get it all back in one piece especially considering it was my first time stripping an engine. it was lots of fun and i enjoyed working on an engine... lets hope it runs :/

Nitro Methane Race Bike

on Monday 19th April, a nitro methane race bike was brought in... it was made by a New Zealand and is New Zealand made! its a 4 cylinder and has 1500hp. it can reach up to 300 psi and goes 107 meters in 1.2 second... what a beast!! this monster needs a parachute to stop it!